
Per the Society Bylaws, Article X:

  1. A Board of Trustees consisting of not more than 75 members of the corporation shall be elected by the membership of the corporation. Not more than 25 shall thereafter be elected at each annual meeting of the membership, for a three-year term.
  2. The Board of Trustees shall uphold and further the aims and purposes of the corporation and shall keep the corporation informed of local discoveries and threats to archaeological sites and remains, serve as field ambassadors of the corporation, encourage participation in its activities, and promote financial support of its programs.
  3. Vacancies in the membership of said Board of Trustees may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term.
  4. A trustee may apply to the Board of Directors for emeritus status after serving a minimum of three (3) terms of three years each. Trustee emeritus status shall not carry voting privileges at Board of Trustee meetings. Trustees emeriti shall be recognized on published rosters of the Board of Trustees.

Trustee duties include:

  1. Further the purposes of the MAS.
  2. Try to further improve the effectiveness and image of the MAS and encourage participation in its activities.
  3. Promote MAS membership.
  4. Keep the MAS apprised of significant archaeological activities in the state, including local discoveries and threats to archaeological sites and remains.
  5. Identify sites for registration with the State Historic Preservation Office, and actively encourage others to do so.
  6. Act as the liaison contact between MAS/SHPO and landowners of sites.
  7. Take an active interest in the nearest MAS chapter.
  8. Support Missouri Archaeology Month.
  9. Support Trustee projects, including requested feedback to the chairman of the Board of Trustees.
  10. Develop and maintain contact with professional and avocational archaeologists and archaeological collectors in the area, learn about and follow their activities, and promote publication of the results of their projects and collections.
  11. Complete the MAS year by attending annual Board of Trustee meetings.
  12. Give talks on archaeology before public groups, such as school children, libraries, and civic groups.
  13. Promote financial support of MAS activities.
  14. Develop a PR rapport with the local media and offer suggested articles.
  15. Submit articles to the MAS Quarterly and other publications.

Board of Trustees

Term Expires at Annual Meeting 2026

Carol Baluka, Florissant
Alan Banks, Bridgeton
Charles Block, Fort Madison, Iowa
Amy Clark, Belleville, Illinois
Mary Conrad, Kansas City
James Duncan, St. Louis
Tim Dunham, Otterville
John Eastman, Columbia
Michael Fuller, St. Louis
Linda Harrison, Revere
Chris Hord, Lee’s Summit
Joe Jensen, Rogersville
A. Clark Montgomery, Springfield
Rick Mosley, House Springs
Michael Ohnersorgen, Columbia
Ann Raab, Weston
Lon Rehkop, Fredericktown
James Roberts, Independence
Gregory Smith, St. Joseph
Douglas Thurman, Boonville
Rosanna Thurman, Boonville
Gloria Young, Independence

Term Expires at Annual Meeting 2027

Don AuBuchon, Dexter
Dean Belshe, Licking
Carol Diaz-Granados, St. Louis
Judy Freeman, Hartville
Alice Fugate, Chesterfield
Robert Grant, Jr., Hamilton
Mark Leach, Chesterfield
Gail Lundeen, Lee's Summit
Debbie Mantonya, Stockton
Terrell Martin, Jefferson City
Kim Nash, Jackson
Marvin Nash, Jackson
Doug Porter, Fordland 
Jack Ray, Springfield
Sarah Reid, Springfield
Dan Sego, Richmond
Dustin Thompson, Springfield
Dustin Walburn, Stark City
David Dean White, Kirbyville
Annie Willis, Jefferson City
Christa Wroblewski, Kansas City

Term Expires at Annual Meeting 2028

Tim Baumann, Webster Grove
Claire Blodgett, Columbia
Lindsay Dyle, Buffalo
Stephen Dyle, Buffalo
Melissa Eaton, Greenwood
Jim Feagins, Belton
Linda Harrison, Revere
Ronnie Harrison, Revere
Thomas Holloway, Jefferson City
Dave Knes, Weldon Springs
R. Bruce McMillan, Columbia
Debbie Miller, Cabool
Gina Powell, Kansas City
Johnny Schaefer, Palmyra
Lyle Sparkman, Springdale, Arkansas
Michael Walburn, Stark City
Scott Worman, Springfield