The Missouri Archaeologist Volume 72 (2011)


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This 207-page volume features the following articles:

The Broyles Cairn (23CE123)—C.H. Chapman and R. E. Pangborn

Shifting Mobility Patterns from the Late Paleoindian through Early Archaic Periods: Lithic Debitage Evidence from the Big Eddy Site—E. Sobel and C. Cotter

Middle Archaic Site Structure at the Berhorst Site, Lewis County, Missouri—A. P. Bradbury

Results of Archaeological Investigations at Site 23PI294—A. R. Collins, M. K. Pope, A. Sorensen, L. Bush, and M. Tavaszi

West Side Story: Kansas City Hopewell and SteedKisker from a Trans-Missouri Perspective—B. Logan

A Unique Human Effigy Pipe from Cedar County, Missouri—J. H. Ray and A. C. Montgomery

The Cloud-Williams Site—D. Dickson